Climate Resilient Food Production

The global climate is turning increasingly erratic with the number of weather-related extreme events becoming higher every year. Floods and droughts can cause significant drops in food production leading to loss of food security for millions with the impact being felt disproportionately by the less economically advantaged segments of society.

The ability of our food systems to supply healthy food and to contribute to expanded livelihood prospects in an environmentally sustainable manner is being threatened by a number of factors, including fast population expansion, urbanization, rising wealth, and shifting consumption habits.

Re-engineering current agricultural practices to make food production more climate resilient requires a multi-pronged approach including rethinking land usage, what crops are grown, water usage, multi-cropping, use of fertiliser and better use of data and technology. Successfully transforming farming and aquaculture can not only add to food production and food security but would also generate additional employment particularly for the more vulnerable sections of society.

Food Waste Utilisation

FAO estimates approximately 40% of fruits and vegetables are lost due to spoilage in less developed countries. Inadequate transportation and storage facilities, lack of refrigeration and sub-optimal supply chains account for a large part of this wastage. If a fraction of this wastage can be put to productive use, such as breeding black soldier fly larvae for animal feed, it will contribute to food security and to reducing methane emissions from decaying organic waste. Additionally, cultivating insects and insect larvae can provide an important source of protein while reducing the pollution and disease vectors which arises from its disposal in landfills.

While food waste projects look to be simple in theory, many challenges exist. The largest barrier to food waste utilisation projects is logistics which can be complex and costly if not planned and executed properly. However, profitable projects can be structured with the right technology and partners, changing significant problems into a source of revenue.